Stepping Forward

Performing Arts for Life Programme

—  an introduction into the Performing Arts for young people in care

Please read below, then visit the registration page to check that your local authority is included and, if so, make your application at:

Stepping Forward is an online pre-recorded virtual programme with interactive elements for care-experienced young people aged 13-17 years, who have been in care for at least 12 months consecutively. The programme is accessible from phones, laptops or tablets by young people.

The performing arts are special in their ability to combine enjoyment, opportunity, and a positive experience of social relationships. They involve not only delivering a message but also resonating with the experiences, values, and emotions of those listening — learning how to share. And they also provide a wide range of transferable skills for many other occupations and career paths.

Stepping Forward will bring you a life-enhancing experience of different performing arts activities, the understanding of what it feel’s like to be an artist and offer you lots of opportunities to explore further studies or training. It will also help develop your communication and creative skills, and to build your confidence and self-esteem.

Other real benefits are that you can earn as you learn — up to a maximum of £200 into your Junior ISA or Child Trust Fund. Plus, there’s potential accreditation via Arts Award.

Here’s how it works: there are a series of brilliantly engaging short videos, quizzes to test that you’ve been listening, opinion-seeking questions to help you develop ideas and lots of resources for reference, including how to take things further for your future. There are six stages, completion of each of which earns you £25 with a bonus of £50 for completion of the whole course. The six stages are:

  1. Introduction to Performing Arts — find out what performing arts is all about.

  2. Forms of Performing Arts — delve deeper into four performing arts forms; Acting, Dancing, Singing & Backstage!

  3. Specialist Art Forms — gain hands-on experience through workshops as well as an in-depth discussion on backstage roles.

  4. In Conversation with .. — industry professionals as they discuss their journeys to becoming performing arts professionals.

  5. Get Involved — How to connect with performing arts in your local community or professionally, including discussions on funding options!

  6. Moving Forward — Advice on how you can progress with the performing arts, including setting goals and building transferable skills.

Here’s a taste of what to expect in Stepping Forward ..

So — how do I get started?

  1. Your local authority needs to confirm they’re ready for you to take part: check the ‘drop-down’ list on the registration page and, if your Local Authority is not yet there, please ask them to contact Josie (email below).

  2. Make sure your key adult(s) are up to speed!

  3. If you want to take part, register at

  4. We, that is The Share Foundation, check out your eligibility

  5. Once confirmed, you’re ready to go!

Any queries: contact Josie Rylance on 020-4591-3617

or by email at