Make a contribution

Can you help us to encourage young people to be better prepared for adult life?

Your donation, however large or small, will enable more young disadvantaged people to start adult life with both improved life skills (literacy, numeracy and financial capability) and a financial reserve which they will have earned by taking our Stepladder of Achievement programme. We also welcome unrestricted donations to help finance our Child Trust Fund recovery campaign across the United Kingdom.

Please note: if you wish to contribute to the account of a specific individual young person, please click here.

Please click below for general donations to The Share Foundation:

We fully understand if you wish to restrict your contribution to a specific area, which could be a particular local authority, a set of local authorities, or one of the nations within the United Kingdom. The smallest 'incentivised learning' step award is £150 and the tables below show the numbers of 15-17 year olds eligible to take the Stepladder (and our estimate of the average potential award for each young person) for each local authority across each country within the United Kingdom:

* Note: donations are, of course, welcome for amounts less than these, and we'll work hard to find additional donations for your area as necessary! 

Unrestricted contributions are also very helpful as they give us a better chance of providing the Stepladder of Achievement programme right across the country.

So whether you are: 

  • an individual, giving because you've made provision for your own children and/or grandchildren, and now want to help other young people who have not been so fortunate; or

  • a trust, focusing on helping disadvantaged children and young people, either through education or the relief of poverty; or

  • a company, with a corporate social responsibility policy targeted on helping those not so fortunate to share in the wealth you've generated,

please help us by making your donation now.      

This is an online donation facility: if you would rather download and print a donation form, please click here