Thank you for your donation

Thank you for the information about your gift to the young person named in your submission. Now for the payment (if not already made!):

One off payments:

If you are making a one-off payment please either send a cheque (payable to The Share Foundation) to:

The Share Foundation, PO Box 1172, Aylesbury HP20 9PG

or transfer the funds directly to our Donations Client Account:

The Share Foundation - Donations Client Account

Sort Code 40-08-39

Account number 23666174

quoting the TSF/NI reference of the recipient on the back of the cheque or in your bank transfer.

Regular payments:

If you are setting up a regular payment please do this via your bank as a standing order, either via online banking using the above account details or by contacting your bank directly.

Once we receive your payment, we will transfer the funds directly to the young persons’ Junior ISA or Child Trust Fund account. If we have any query regarding your donation we will contact you directly via telephone or email using the details you have provided to us.

Thank you!